10 GIS LCH hoists were chosen to lift the roof of the main stage, while loads were monitored by a BroadWeigh system.
In Toulouse, 24 SGM P-10 wash lights have enchanted the Place of Capitole during the Christmas.
For the 2016 edition of the Solidays festival, Novelty groups chose SGM fixtures to light up the new Arena Club stage.
Daniel Knipper, light designer of the Lyon light festival 2015, introduced his work "Regards" on the 8th of december of 2015 on Fourvière hill.
At the 28th edition of Belgian Pukkelpop Festival, the Boiler Room (the main electro stage) was festooned with 3,300 LT-200 2-metre 3D pixel based LED tubes. A light design made by Arf & Yes, 100% adapted for an electro stage and providing fantastic results.